
Showing posts from June, 2021

Is Washing Up God's Will? (Mark 3.20-35, 2 Cor 4.13-5.1)

At the end of our Gospel reading Jesus talks to his family. Now as we all know families can be… Complicated. He speaks about doing the will of God. You know my Mum came up to me the other day and said ‘Graham, can you help with the washing up?’ ‘Alas mother’ I replied ‘I cannot, for you see, I have prayed upon this very subject, and it is not the will of God that I should help you with the washing up. These hands were made for lifting chalices, not dishes.’ Of course, that never happened, I would never talk to my mother in that way. But it’s an important point. What’s the will of God? What does Jesus mean? The scribes are getting it all wrong. They know the law, they’ve read lots of books, but their hearts are in the wrong place. The reason why there’s such a big crowd around Jesus is because he’s been going around healing people, doing good stuff, helping the poor and the outcast. You know all the usual stuff that would get you called ‘woke’ nowadays. It’s funny that the people who of