
Showing posts from August, 2017

God Doesn't Have Favourites (Mathew 15. 10-28)

Preached at Evensong, St Peter Mancroft Church   It has been a disturbing couple of weeks. With mudslides devastating Sierra Leone and the enormous fascist demonstrations in Charlottesville. It can sometimes feel like things are out of control. There are no easy answers and I’m not going to patronise you by trying to neatly package it up, but what I will say is that God does not have favourites. One of the many things that disgusts me about fascism is the notion of white supremacy. It’s an ideology that those of us who are white are the master race, that we have the right to enslave other people wo are not like us, because we are better than them. As Christians it is our role in society to condemn these ideologies in the strongest possible terms, we shouldn’t just be anti-fascist but anti-hate and anti-discrimination. These ideologies are not compatible with the gospel or with being a Christian. Being a racist is a sin because it violates one of the two primary commandments, love y