
Showing posts from July, 2018

God Feeds All, People Are Not Expendable. (John 6.1-21)

God Feeds All, People Are Not Expendable The comedian Jimmy Carr was talking about the feeding of the five thousand on QI, he said ‘the feeding of the five thousand? ‘There’s five thousand people, and they went, there’s some bread and fish, I reckon that was about four and a half thousand people saying, what we got? Bread and fish? Nah I’m alright thanks.’ David Mitchell then responded “Out of five thousand people only two of them thought to bring any food… The other side of it is there are 4,998 idiots… And Jesus doesn’t make them learn a lesson from that!” I think they’re missing the point slightly. This isn’t about teaching anyone a lesson, this isn’t about God begrudgingly doing something. God is generous, and in unexpected places, with unexpected people.   What do you think about this story, do you reckon it happened? It was clearly a story that was really precious to the early church. This miracle is the only one in all four gospels, so I think it probably did. Fo