
Showing posts from July, 2021

Roast Chicken and Rose Tinted Spectacles, What Is Our Future? (Exodus 16.1-5, 9-15 Matthew 13.1-9)

  I love food, don’t you? I love flavour and texture and colour. I love the things I know, the old comforts. I like to try new things sometimes. But I do have a confession to make. I am addicted to Roast Chicken. There’s just something about it, hot roast chicken, straight from the oven. Roasted with garlic and rosemary, salted and crispy, it’s finger lickin’ good. I can’t put it down! An almost animalistic hunger comes over me as I tare through it. If it weren’t so socially unacceptable I’d probably jump up onto the table, in a cat like pounce and rip through it with my bare hands. I’d love to be a vegetarian, I don’t like eating animals, and I realise it’s entirely down to my own weakness, and cravings and fragility that I’m not. I’ve eaten some fantastic vegan and vegetarian food, I’m trying to cut back on the amount of meat I eat, but the chicken, like a drug addict it gets round to Sunday lunchtime and I need my fix. So I relate to the Israelites in our reading today. They

Are you a miser? Because God isn't. (Mark 5. 21-43, 2 Cor 8.7-15)

Where does it all go? Where? Where does what go, I hear you ask? The money. Where does all the money go? No I haven’t stolen it… What bags, there are no bags in my car… Certainly not now… Look that money was just resting in my account… Is this a question you’ve ever asked yourself? Where does the money go? Where’s it gone? Hands up if you’ve asked yourself this? Have you ever looked at your bank balance and gone *gasp*, oh no! No how has that happened. Lockdown was ludicrous wasn’t it? One of the strangest things about it for me was that even though I hadn’t been anywhere or done anything, still I was spending money! Where has it all gone? I thought. Anybody else feel like that? For me it was probably going on stuff like takeaways and stuff to make me feel better about myself. I mean those ruby encrusted high heels really gave me a confidence boost. Though as we probably know when we face up to it, filling our homes with shiny things doesn’t make us feel better really. It doesn’t fill