The Thread (A Poem)

The Thread
By Graham Kirk-Spriggs 

I am but dust, a spec, a thread,
weavéd through the tapesty of all the universe,
a floating head. 

I am but dust, but never apart,
but a part of all,
as we float on this ball through time,
space, adventure! 

I am but dust, formed from it, 
seeped, surrounded.
I have been where feet have trod, 
from clod to clod.

I am but dust, made of my Mother's roots,
and hers before her,
rude and bare, and blustering through all
that is vivid and once was. 

I am dust in this space. 
Gimme that rainbow star shine,
moon filled, sweet sherbert. 

I am but dust, in this frame now,
but more ever and ever, and forever.
For I am you, when love calls. 

I am but dust, you are me,
I am you, for we, have always been.
You call me into you.
Love more powerful,
than dust. 


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